The Al-Pack Story
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Started in 1995
Louis LeBlanc and Vernon Allen met while working for a transport company in Moncton, New Brunswick. With entrepreneurial spirits, they both wanted to branch out on their own and found their first opportunity by securing the Atlantic Canadian distribution rights for Eco-Foam, an environmentally-friendly packaging foam product. Al-Pack Enterprises Ltd. was born. After a bumpy start, Louis and Vernon soon decided to expand into the packaging world by adding industrial staples like tape, bubble wrap, and boxes. Al-Pack was officially off the ground and running and there was no looking back!
Growth and Diversification

Al-Pack Today
Today, Al-Pack employs 87 people throughout its distribution, manufacturing, and retail divisions and services customers from its New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Ontario warehouses. The Al-Pack brand of retail recycling and composting bags has become a trusted name in the category and products are available in most giant retailers throughout Canada. The company is committed to product quality and safety and holds IFS PAcsecure, BPI and BNQ certifications to compete in the global marketplace.
Growth through Partnerships
Trusted partnerships with our suppliers and customers have always been at the core of Al-Pack’s success. Listening, learning, caring, and persistently searching for the best solutions have built the foundations for lasting relationships. We are proud that many of our suppliers and customers have been with us since the beginning.
We are Family
That strong emphasis on relationships with suppliers and customers applies just as much to Al-Pack’s employees. Everyone truly cares about each other and the work they do, which is why so many people come to work for Al-Pack and stay! The trust, support, and experience that comes from being part of a great family gets paid forward every day to our customers.
Team sponsorship is just one way Al-Pack supports employees and communities.

Congratulations to our very own CEO, Louis LeBlanc, an EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2022 award winner in Atlantic. We are so proud to be a part of your team!
From your Al-Pack Family.
Our Milestones
1995In the beginning
With a home office, 500 sq/ft of warehouse space, and 2 employees, Louis LeBlanc and Vernon Allen incorporate AL-PACK Enterprises Ltd.
1996First HomeAL-PACK moves into a 2,100 sq/ft warehouse and office with 5 employees.
1997First EquipmentJuly : AL-PACK purchases machinery to manufacture boxes. Space now 3,600 sq/ft with 8 employees.
1997First MoveSeptember : AL-PACK moves to 555 Edinburgh Drive with 8,400 sq/ft of warehouse and office space.
1997First Sales OfficeNovember : AL-PACK opens a sales office and warehouse in St. John’s, NL
1998Halifax Sales OfficeAL-PACK opens a sales office in Halifax, NS
1999First Retail LineAL-PACK launches its first retail line of garbage bags. Also opens a sales office in Charlottetown, PEI. The company expands to 11,000 sq/ft and employs 22 people.
2000AL-PACK ExpandsAL-PACK expands to 27,000 sq/ft and has 32 employees.
2002AL-PACK MovesAugust : AL-PACK moves to 180 Henri Dunant Street in Moncton with 28,000 sq/ft of warehouse and office space and 40 employees.
2002Warehouse ExpansionSeptember : AL-PACK increases warehouse space by an additional 12,000 sq/ft.
2005Certified Compostable BagsAL-PACK starts producing and selling Al-Pack brand of certified compostable bags to service rapidly growing municipal composting programs across Canada.
2007AL-PACK MovesAL-PACK moves to 60 Commerce Street, a state-of-the-art facility designed to accommodate new equipment and allow for future sales growth.
2008AIF FundAL‐PACK receives AIF fund to develop Potato Starch film with UNB
20093 layer Extrusion LineAL‐PACK commissions a 3 layer extrusion line for making film.
2010Expansion to GuelphAL-PACK opens a sales office and warehouse in Guelph, ON
2013Ownership ChangeLouis LeBlanc acquires the majority shares in AL-PACK Enterprises Ltd.
2016State of the Art Extrusion LineAl-Pack acquires a new state-of-the-art three layer German extrusion line with innovative technology for high grade film blends.
2017IFS PACsecure CertificationAl-Pack successfully passes IFS PACsecure Certification. This is an independently approved certification process that strives for excellence in quality and safety in food packaging.
2019Growth Across CanadaAl-Pack sees substantial growth across Canada in certified compostable and regular poly trash liners.
2020New PresidentCEO, Louis LeBlanc, names Bill Allen as President of AL-PACK.
AL-Pack Facility Tour (2015)